Legal entities-consumers of AlmatyPowerSale LLP, using electrical power for non-domestic needs, may pay for consumed power directly in the Personal account by Visa or MasterCard bank card, effective today, April 19, 2021.
Following the update of options of the Personal account and introduction of electronic document management, another type of online services became available for consumers-legal entities: payment of electricity bills using payment cards in the Personal account.
"AlmatyPowerSale steadily continues to expand its capabilities to provide online services. As previously reported, about 500 companies of Almaty regularly use online format for interaction with us, - Olga Antonova, Deputy General Director of AlmatyPowerSale LLP, states, - Security of payments of our customers is the priority, therefore, the launch of online payment for consumed power by legal entities with bank cards has been made at this time. Let me remind, that a significant part of individuals-consumers have already been using the remote payment method (through terminals and banking applications). We are very glad that now our customers, legal entities, may perform all operations on payment for consumed electrical power in online format."
Online payment services in the Personal account for legal entities is performed in accordance with the rules of international payment systems Visa and MasterCard based on compliance with confidentiality and security of payments. For this purpose, the most advanced verification methods, encoding and data transmission via closed communication channels are used.
Legal entities should do the following for payment for consumed electrical power:
- to log in into the Personal account with the use of company EDS,
- to select "Invoice" and "period" in the section "Reporting forms" (if readings of metering devices are provided and the Invoice is issued),
- to click "Pay"
Video instructions for registering in your Personal Account are available at the following link: https://esalmaty.kz/ru/i3398.
Press Service of AlmatyPowerSale LLP: +7 (727) 356-04-31
E-mail: aespress@esalmaty.kz; Website: www.esalmaty.kz,
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Round-the-clock Contact Center of AlmatyPowerSale LLP: +7 (727) 356-99-99