Corporate entities will be offered a wide range of online services in early 2021. The updated personal account of “Almaty Energo Sbyt” LLP clients will be customized and become an alternative to visiting district offices.
Online format captured the entire planet in 2020. The widespread pandemic has largely contributed to this rapid transition. AlmatyEnergoSbyt planned to automate the processes and the recent events made it happen on time.
“The transition to electronic document management, processes automation will allow our customers to exclude the visit to a district office of power supply company, and that will enable to save time which is important in the rhythm of life in megacities. To do this, you only need to register in your personal account on our website using a digital signature”, says Olga Antonova, Deputy General Director for Sales at “AlmatyEnergoSbyt” LLP.
From 2021, such operations will be available as the transfer of readings in electronic form, obtaining an online invoice for payment for consumed electricity, signing an account reconciliation reports using EDS.
According to Olga Antonova, the Internet offers unlimited opportunities to improve the service. "For the convenience of customers, there will be reminders about the due date, the amount of debt, about the upcoming outages, etc. Later on, we will consider opinions of our consumers as regards the improvement of personal account by receiving feedback"
Online payment for consumed electricity is already available on the website, without registering in a personal account.
“AlmatyEnergoSbyt” LLP press service
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