Online service has been launched on the site of guaranteeing power supply company in Almaty and Almaty region - AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP (www.esalmaty.kz).
Now you may introduce changes of real estate owner data by consumer account in online mode by verification with EDS (electronic digital signature)
and without registration in "Personal account".
Note, that this option is intended for individuals, using electrical power for domestic needs in apartments.
Consumer shall apply through Internet, attach required documents, sign by electronic digital signature and send the application for change in owner data.
Procedure for changing details online is as follows:
- Consumer shall click on "Change of owner" in the section "For individuals" on the site of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP and authorize by EDS of the individual;
- Consumer shall submit the application for changing details online and attach two documents (1. ID copy and 2. Certificate of real estate
If the consumer wants to pay for consumed electrical power as per differentiated tariff, then a screenshot of egov.kz (top part of personal account) with confirmation of a number of residents/registered in the apartment shall be attached;
III. Consumer shall receive electronic message to his/her mail on application status "In review";
- Employee of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP shall analyze the application and confirm
the application or return it to the consumer for obtainment of complete package of documents, etc.; - Application status shall change.
Attention! If the consumer does not attach "Information on registered persons",
average tariff of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP shall be applied in calculation of payment. It is equal to 19,17 KZT per 1 kWh with VAT
since 01.01.2020.
Changes in owner data will be reflected in the bill for utilities from the next month following receipt of positive status of review of online application.
Press service of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP
aespress@esalmaty.kz; +7 (701) 778 9888
Contact center: +7 (727) 356-99-99, 399-99-00.