In January 2020 the information day with representatives of almost all group of companies was initiated in the framework of the Transformation Program of Samruk-Energy JSC. Bakitzhan Zhulamanov, the Chairman of the Management Board of the Company, has given a new direction for improvement of performance of subsidiaries and affiliates by formation of the transformation project portfolio with the use of propositions and ideas of employees.
This approach to formation and updating of project portfolio of the Transformation Program of Samruk-Energy JSC will allow to make objective analysis of all areas of the holding, which need changes. Transformation office and Digitalization office consider propositions of subsidiaries and affiliates resulting from held local information days in subsidiaries. Employees of subsidiaries and affiliates were provided with information on possibilities of business improvement in the framework of the Transformation Program. As a result, over 40 propositions were got. Each employee has an opportunity to send an application and make a contribution to the development of his/her company. For this purpose, various communication channels were provided, as through the corporate portal start.samruk-energy.kz, corporate e-mail Ideas@samruk-energy.kz, hot-line +7 (7172)533102, and via WhatsApp +7 708 632 07 28.
The propositions are varied in their content. Azamat Mazhyn, the head of the Digitalization office, says that there were quite funny propositions among others, such as "not to go to work on a person's birthday". Also there were interesting propositions from the social perspective, such as holding events for employees, who met their future spouses at work. There are many such employees in the long history of subsidiaries and affiliates. But the main part of applications contains production propositions, as well as propositions on automation or digitalization of processes, - Azamat says. These propositions include automation of document flow, introduction of digital archive, automated systems for equipment, virtual reality for training, etc. This indicates that employees are interested in keeping up the subsidiaries and affiliates with the times.
"All the received ideas are distributed in a number of initiatives. Upon conduction of preliminary analysis for relevance and importance, the list was shortened from 42 propositions to 25 propositions. They may be reformed into events or projects and included into new Portfolio," - Azamat Mazhyn pointed out.
Currently the Transformation office and the Digitalization office are working on the further detailed analysis of propositions.
For reference: Samruk-Energy JSC analyzes propositions from: AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP, Alatau Zharyk Company JSC, Moynak HPP JSC, APS JSC, Ekibastuz GRES-1 LLP, Ekibastuz GRES-2 JSC, Bogatyr Komir LLP.