New initiatives for digitalization have been considered at the working meeting of the Transformation office of Samruk-Energy JSC and the management of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP, held this week.
Transformation office of Samruk-Energy JSC has started a series of meetings
and conduction of local informational days in subsidiaries.
AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP became the first company in the schedule of team working meetings. Goal of events - provision of information on implementation of the Program of digital transformation in the holding and active interaction in the framework of development of subsidiaries.
"Samruk-Energy JSC is ready to consider propositions of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP. Also Samruk-Energy JSC is available to provide assistance in development of obtained ideas.
We see that the company sets goals for its development and further improvement of services and automation of business-processes" - Yedil Kopenov, Managing Director for Business Transformation of Samruk-Energy JSC, noted.
AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP has been participating in implementation of the Transformation Program for many years. One of the first successes of digitalization of business processes was updating the software of our Contact center. Recent innovations include online services for individuals and introduction of an additional payment method.
Discussion on improvement and digitalization moved smoothly from the head office to the district office of AlmatyEnergoSbyt. Transformation Office clearly saw improvements of front office: new format of open space with electronic queue system.
As of today, AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP has performed the following:
- Modernization of the Contact center;
- Transformation of district offices to open space format;
- Updating of web-site;
- Improvement of functionality of Personal account section:
individuals have the following options online: 1) change the number of residents, 2) change the tariff, 3) call the service to check the metering device, 4-5) seal/ unseal the metering device, 6) close the personal account, 7) send the meter readings and call an employee of Alatau Zharyk Company JSC (AZhC) to take readings of the metering device;
legal entities may sign power supply agreement online;
- Receipt of payments through payment terminals (over 65 thousand payment terminals), in addition to conventional cash and settlement services, offices of Kazpost JSC, Internet banking and egov.kz site.
A number of projects on digitalization of business processes and services, which AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP intends to implement in 2020, were presented to the Transformation Office.
Digitalization is a natural way to improve the quality of all spheres of life. Main goals of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP is upgrading of consumer satisfaction level and improvement of services. In the framework of the Transformation Program, objectives of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP include automation of business processes and further improvement of services by application of digital solutions.
Press service of AlmatyEnergoSbyt LLP
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