Certificate of readiness - annually issued document confirming readiness of energy generating and energy transmission organizations to operation in autumn-winter conditions. Control over readiness of power facility is provided by SI "Committee of nuclear and energy supervision and control" of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Ekibastuz GRES-1 received certificate of readiness to operation in autumn-winter period. Relevant supervision bodies confirmed technical readiness of station to bear set load, including at peak negative temperatures in autumn-winter period 2019-2020.
Bulat Nurzhanov Ekibastuz GRES-1 (Pavlodar region)
Bulat Nurzhanov Ekibastuz GRES-1, subsidiary of energy holding "Samruk-Energy", is the largest power suppliers in the market of Kazakhstan. Enterprise has demonstrated stable readiness indicators prior to autumn-winter period. Thus, according to results from January to September of the current year, working station power amounted to 1 892 MW and reached 3 028 MW at simultaneous operation of six power units. Electricity generation for the last four months from June to September amounted to 6.448 billion kWh, which is 3% more than in the same period last year.
As part of the 2019 repair campaign, EGRES-1 completed the current repairs of unit 4, the current extended repairs of units 7 and 8, completed the overhaul of unit 5, and continues the overhaul of unit 3.
In general, by the beginning of the autumn-winter period 2019-2020, all energy companies in the structure of "Samruk-Energy" JSC announced full technical readiness of equipment.
In early October, in addition to Ekibastuz GRES-1, U.Kantayev Moynak HPP JSC and Ekibastuz station GRES-2 JSC obtained certificates of readiness. /
Shardarinsk HPP (Turkestan region)
Also, preparation of winter period includes facilities using renewable energy sources and energy transmission organizations. "First Wind Power Plant" LLP obtained certificate of readiness at the end of September. Following it, readiness assessment was passed by Samruk-Green Energy LLP, operating in the field of solar energy, as well as energy transmission company "AZhC" JSC.
Heating season started in Almaty since October 15 by the order of Almaty Administration (Akimat). "APS" JSC and "Shardarinsk HPP" JSC obtained certificate of readiness to operation under winter conditions on September 6.
Thus, at the moment, all energy companies included into the structure of "Samruk-Energy" JSC are fully ready for winter.
Link to material: https://eenergy.media/2019/10/22/k-zime-gotovy-energoobekty-samruk-energo-poluchili-pasporta-gotovnosti/