80% of deterioration of electrical networks is a threat that makes power supply unpredictable. The entire West Kazakhstan region may be plunged into darkness. It is possible to avoid a catastrophe, but with immediate response and full support of the state.
Stable electric and heat power supply is one of the most important tasks. However, in view of existing problems, it is difficult to talk about any progressive development of the industry. Actions are required now given presence of such risk zones as in the West Kazakhstan region. While energy remains in the shadow of other industries, although it is one of the strategic and vital areas.
The President and the Government are talking about energy modernization, which should solve important current problems of the country. However, if outdated networks and power lines are not modernized, then they will fail very soon. With such retirement of electric grid facility, deficit risk may increase. Majority percent of wear results in often cases of emergency shutdown. In addition to accidents, aging of equipment leads to significant increase in energy losses during transmission, which, ultimately, can affect tariffs. Wear affects the reliability, the scale of accidents and on lives of people.
West Kazakhstan region takes troubled position in energy map of the country. WKR takes the third place in Kazakhstan in terms of the length of power lines. Leaders include EKR, taking into account Semipalatinsk site. Karaganda region with Zhezkazgan district take the second place. But in terms of useful issue of power, the region is among low-performing regions. There is significant difference and in means, protected as per investment program. If, for example, 331 mln KZT is allocated to WKR, and 3 bln KZT is allocated to Mangistau region. This 10-fold difference, taking into account length of Mangistau lines is much less.
In addition, West Kazakhstan power distribution company was in municipal ownership for 20 years, and it was the last company that transferred to trust management among regional companies. Situation was aggravated by the fact that the local authorities deliberately kept the electricity tariff low. Eventually, it affected the state of networks. As a result - 80% of deterioration of lines and the electrotechnical equipment. Frequently failing transformers are repaired in own workshop, it will prolong operation for several years. Alloted operation time of sub-stations - 25 years, however, in real life, they are used for 40-45 years. All that and other reasons resulted in sad situation at this moment.
At any moment population of the region may be left or often is left without electric power. Bad weather is enough - strong winds, storm, and the region is left without power supply. Major accident in August of current year, when thousands of people were left without electricity, demonstrated only part of large-scale scenario. In the future, such cases will occur repeatedly, until the problem of the energy complex is resolved.
Despite all this, "West Kazakhstan power distribution company" immediately responds to occurring emergency circumstances. In 2019 "West Kazakhstan power distribution company" carried out overhaul repair of 3139 networks, 16 sub-stations and 315 transformer points for the amount over 252,9 mln KZT. In the framework of investment program, modernization of high-voltage lines of eight sites in several districts of region and city will be completed by the end of the year. Cost of investment program is equal to 331 mln KZT.
Also lack of special state programs prevents development of the industry. For example, the state program "Nurly Zhol" does not include power grid companies, and therefore, no money may be allocated for repair and reconstruction of power grids. Now everyone is talking about the green economy and digitalization of the industry, need of introduction of the digital economy. And at the same time we can not understand why it is so important to put the power system in order, and only then modernize it. Otherwise, soon there will be nothing to improve. Legacy left after Soviet period requires close attention and complete replacement of existing lines. There is no need to wait for energy apocalypse. Also it shall be remembered that regular blackouts and power outages cause tension and discontent in society. Such feelings are aimed not only at local companies, but also at executive bodies in general.
According to experts, 80 billion tenge is needed for complete modernization of networks with a length of more than 20 ths. km for the next five years. And this is the most modest amount for the renewal of worn lines.
Thus, "West Kazakhstan power distribution company" proposes to include reconstruction of electrical networks in "Nurly zhol" program, and asks to grant credit for PDC for the amount of 80 bln.KZT, which will help to reduce deterioration by 20% over 5 years. All these updated networks will be left in use of population of WKR.
Also WKPDC asks to consider mechanism of increase of salary to employees of middle level in the industry, and it is approximately 116 ths.KZT, now medium salary is 80 ths.KZT in PDC. And it is required stage-by-stage updating of special machinery, medium age of it equals 28 years.
Problem of aging of the main and auxiliary equipment of power substations is very acute and not only in WKR. High level of deterioration of power networks is increase of accident rate and impossibility of connection of new consumers. This is a damage that sooner or later will hit the pockets of consumers and budget of the state, which is able to fix the situation before it is too late.
Link to material: https://eenergy.media/2019/11/14/iznoshennost-elektricheskih-setej-skrytaya-ugroza/